...warm Gatorade is super comforting.
...ground-up pizza tastes unbelievably good after eating broth and jello. (Hooray for a mother who doesn't think in terms of limits.)
...I like goat cheese. (Thanks, Amy!)
...I still do not like tofu. (Also thanks to Amy.)
...I actually don't like blue cheese. I thought I did. Disappointed by that realization.
...I have become a big fan of chicken nuggets. (Thanks to Dave O.)
...moped accidents can bring about remarkable changes in one's life.
...adjusting to said changes is quite the learning experience. I hope it will make me more sensitive to others facing similar learning curves in the future.
...I have a lot of protective people in my life. Getting into a moped accident on a date will totally bring those people out of the woodwork.
...insignificant changes to my environment, like turning the lights down or turning my back to the light, can make my headaches go away.
...I know about those insignificant changes because of the really tuned-in people God has brought into my life in the past few weeks. (Really grateful for the TBI Clinic at HCMC!)
...the people in my life (my family, friends, co-workers, school families, and others, too!) are far more amazing than I even thought they were. (If I were to name them all here, this blog post would never end...)
...being a part of the Body of Christ is an incredible privilege.
...God never fails to surprise me. Or to come through.
...sometimes, less is more, like keeping a blog post short enough that it can be finished before a headache surfaces. :) The end!