Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lunch with Miss Djerf

Today, I had two students in for "Lunch With Miss Djerf," a reward for good behavior. One girl started with her candy bar -- a no-no in the lunchroom (I'm the "eat your healthy foods first" Nazi), but hey, this was a reward, right? Even so, I couldn't fall entirely out of character: "So you're starting your lunch with your Crunch bar, huh?"

My subtlety wasn't lost on her, but she held her ground. "Yeah," she replied, "I hear that the crunch part is supposed to be pretty healthy."

(This is the same girl who, when giving a presentation, told us that arctic hares are SO CUTE that sometimes predators will -in the midst of the chase- suddenly stop and stare, so struck by their cuteness that they decide to let them go. Inventing facts seems to come naturally.)