Thursday, April 7, 2011

IMHO...And Yes, I Do Have One

It's happened twice now. In conversation, I have described myself as not having strong opinions. About anything. I said this in earnest, stating it as fact and supporting it with evidence. Or so I thought.

Let's just say the contradictions were not long in coming.

The first time, I didn't recant until the following day. The next time, I took back my convoluted self-revelation after I gave a lengthy explanation of the opinion I'd claimed not to have.
My friend -who'd asked for my thoughts- was nonplussed. "Megan, I never believed you didn't have an opinion." he laughed.

What I can't understand is why I believed it. Where could I possibly have gotten the idea that I don't have strong opinions? Certainly not from a poll of my closest friends, family, and co-workers. (If you tried to tell my boss or my brothers that I don't have strong opinions, they would die of laughter.)

And why have I insisted on selling that ridiculous piece of propaganda to other people?

I have no idea.

Have no fear: I'm coming clean. I may not have strong opinions about everything, but I've done a little mental digging in the past few weeks, and it turns out I have more than I thought I do. I'm attempting to come to terms with the fact that I AM an opinionated person.

At your own risk, you might want to ask me about these sometime (I'll warn you about the strong opinion part right up front):
Video games
Entertainment in general
Biblical literacy
Correct grammar

I used to have strong opinions about these things:

OK, I probably still do. Never mind.


  1. Yes, i read every post on your blog...

    I really enjoy your well thought out strong opinions even though sometimes they are in disagreement with my less thought out but more entertaining thoughts. :)

  2. I remember you having strong opinions when we were very little girls! I'm not much different- think we're related? :)

  3. Jesse, I can't be right AND entertaining all of the time. Sometimes, one of those has to give. :)

    Jill, I was just telling my roommate about you the other day, and how we'd visit each other and spend most of the week fighting (because of our strong opinions!). Good times... :)

  4. Hey, Megan! Just got caught up on your blog again; I do so enjoy reading your school stories and your random ponderings on other subjects! Kids are so very entertaining, aren't they? I think we picked the best job in the world! Hope all is well with you!
    - Jennifer (
