Saturday, January 21, 2012

Letters to an Absent Miss Djerf

One question I’ve constantly fielded this winter is “Are you missing teaching?” There are two answers:
 No, I’m not missing the stress of teaching. Right now, the idea of managing the noise and activity of first and second graders all day is synonymous with thoughts of torture.

But yes, I’m missing the students. Terribly!

I missed them even more when I received letters from the class near Christmas. Their unfettered affection, creative spelling, and imaginative drawings (one featured me snowboarding down a steep mountain with the caption "your wining Miss Djerf", while another depicted me with some serious eyelash augmentation) triggered all kinds of warm-fuzzy emotions. 

Here are a few of these precious missives, nothing added except for titles (which double as summaries of my experiences with those particular children):

The Compassionate One
Dear Miss Djerf
I am having a good time at sckool. it was nicer when you wher hery. today wee are having hot choclit. The sckool has chached sinc your gon. But I feel bad that you hert.

The Enthusiastic One
Dear miss Djerf,
I was excited when I hrd this nys!
I hrd this
I hrd i wus cuming in youer klasrum.
I jumpd up!
I wos so hape!
I love your voys
it sos god.
you or nis

The Distracted One
Dear Miss Djerf
I hop you feel betr so you can come to shcool but after the shcool yer you are going to go to shcool so you will feel betr so you can go to shcool nest yer
I hop you cood feel betr I like you a lot

The Precise One
Dear Miss Djerf,
I really am looking forward to seeing you next year. Why not come on February third that is my dad’s half birthday.
Merry Christmas.

Boy, do I miss them.

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