Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Seat Belts and Marshmallows: Intergalactic Travel With a Four Year Old

Four-year-old boys are the best. I got to hang out with one of my favorite ones all day today, since he finished school a week earlier than brother and sister...summertime bliss.

We read books, ate snacks (both of us eating the peanut butter chips out of our snack mix first), and did a lot of chasing each other in magic spaceships we'd made. Once we were tired of running (and constantly repairing our ships), we upgraded to a couch-sized spaceship of his creation, complete with seat belts. (Seat belts are always his first priority when inventing any vehicle; you can see why I love traveling with him.)

While lounging in our respective spaceship corners, cozied up with our blankets, he informed me that our spaceship (authentic pronunciation: "faceship") had a refrigerator (for which the authentic pronunciation is too difficult to spell -- today was a refresher course in his dialect). "Does our spaceship have coffee?" I asked. "You know how much I love coffee."

"It has EVERYTHING to drink," he replied. "Here's your coffee. I put marshmallows in it for you." Never tried that before, but I have to say, it was delicious.

"What are you drinking?" I asked.

"Lemonade -- with marshmallows in it." We downed our marshmallowy drinks, and then he realized that we were out of marshmallows. We quickly flew to the food planet, parked the spaceship, unbuckled, and bought more (turns out invisible money is the perfect currency for invisible purchases). 

He zipped back downstairs to the spaceship while I checked a voicemail. A minute later, he was back upstairs. "I'm just buying some more marshmallows," he informed me. "I didn't get enough the first time." Gotta love that kid.

I think it's safe to say we were the only Minnesotans doing marshmallow runs in a spaceship today. Makes me feel pretty special...

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