Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hypothetical Pursuits Are My Favorite Kind

My original title for this post was "Things I Would Love to Be Passionate About...In Another Lifetime." But decided against it because it made it sound like I already possessed some level of interest or dedication for these things, and I really don't. I just think it would be cool to be into them. If I didn't have other things closer to the top of my list.

1. Independent music (especially acoustic singer/songwriter stuff)
2. Farmers' markets
3. Knitting
4. Triathlons
5. Actually, crazy-intense physical training in general
6. Eating organic food
7. GROWING organic food -- how cool would that be?
8. Participating in the local literary community
9. Keeping abreast of the local arts scene, too

It looks like I could have lifted that list right out of a Stuff White People Like post. Yuck. I really hate it when that guy is right.

Lists (useful for so many reasons!) provide clarification to me. What DO I really care about? What do I really WANT to care about? If I actually have extra time (that's a post for another day), what do I want to go after?

So I'm going to write a few more.

Actual Priorities at This Time...
1. Teaching (doing it well, building community at school, encouraging spiritual growth in my students)
2. Friendships
3. Family relationships
4. Overthinking everything!
5. Writing
6. Wasting time on my computer...

This year, I want to overwrite "Prayer" on number four and "Sleep" on number six. Those would be much healthier!

A Few Interests I'll Actually Pursue
1. Cooking. I enjoy it, and I want to be better at it.
2. Hosting. Another thing that brings me joy.
3. Drawing and painting...a piece of me that stays buried most of the time. I miss it.
4. Creative, noticing-the-world, wide-awake writing.
5. More reading, always, always, always.
6. Cross-country skiing.

Those things are all empty, however, unless they serve a deeper purpose. My prayer is that any pursuit of those things may only be in the pursuit of God.
And one final list:

What I Really Want to Be True About Me When I Leave This Earth (Instead of the Copycat List at the Beginning):
1. That the people who were closest to me were well-known, well-loved and experienced grace from me.
2. That those who watched me live my life observed (and experienced) confidence and delight in God.
3. That my words helped others to know and trust the God of the Bible (and to love His Word!).

Gracious Father, give me strength and perseverance to go after what You put in my heart to pursue -- but never for me or my glory.

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