Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yes, Those Words Came Out Of My Mouth: Commands Only A Second Grade Teacher Would Give

"Yes, you MAY go to the bathroom, but ONLY if your hair looks EXACTLY the same when you get back."

- Instructions to my second grade Justin Bieber wannabe, who spends most of the day worrying about his hair and "wopping" it (shifting it to the side with a jerky, tic-like motion). I've been instructed by his parents to limit his hair-adjusting visits to the boys' room. True story.

"Everyone else has to leave their teeth in their mouths for the rest of the day. If anyone else feels like taking a tooth out, they're going to have to wait and do it at home. Period."

- It might surprise you that loss of teeth is contagious in a first and second grade classroom, but I am not fabricating this. Sometimes, you just have to lay the law down.

I hate to admit this, but there are times that I'm disappointed I can't tell the rest of the world exactly what to do and how not to do it. Teaching second grade just feeds my inner dictator...

1 comment:

  1. o, the inner dictator!! :) i am still learning to kill it. my friends will kindly tell me when i get a little too "instructive/dictatorial/condescending!" but dang. maybe i need to look into 2nd grade teaching :)
